9701 MCQ Solution 8

Question 8: [Physical > States of Matter]:
A 2g sample of hydrogen at temperature T and of volume V exerts a pressure p.
Deuterium, 12H, is an isotope of hydrogen.

Which of the following would also exert a pressure pat the same temperature T?
A 2g of deuterium of volume V
B 4g of deuterium of volume V/2
C a mixture of 1g of hydrogen and 2g of deuterium of total volume V
D a mixture of 2g of hydrogen and 1g of deuterium of total volume 2V
Reference: Past Exam Paper – November 2002 Paper 1 Q8

Solution 8:
Answer: C.
Find the relation between the initial pressure and initial temperature using the ideal gas equation.
pV = nRT
Substitute the known information
pV = (2/2)(8.31)T
Therefore: pV = 8.31T
One of the given final scenarios must match the initial equation
A: pV = (2/4)(8.31)T : pV = 4.16T thus is incorrect
B: p(V/2) =(4/4)(8.31)T: pV = 16.62T thus is incorrect
C: pV = (1/2)(8.31)T + (2/4)(8.31)T: pV = 8.31T thus is correct

D: p(2V) = (2/2)(8.31)T + (1/4)(8.31)T: pV = 8.63T thus is incorrect

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