9701 MCQ Solution 69

Question 69: [Organic > Hydroxyl Compounds]
In a preparation of ethene, ethanol is added a drop at a time to a heated reagent Y. To purify the ethane it is bubbled through a solution Z and then collected.
What could reagent reagent Y and solution Z be?

reagent Y
solution Z
acidified K2Cr2O7
dilute NaOH
concentrated H2SO4
dilute H2SO4
concentrated H2SO4
dilute NaOH
ethanolic NaOH
concentrated H2SO4

Reference: Past Exam Paper –June 2003 Paper 1 Q29

Solution 69:
Answer: C.

Alcohol undergoes dehydration to form an alkene. Concentrated H2SO4 is among the possible conditions for this reaction. This eliminates options A and D as possible answers. After dehydration occurs there may be remaining H2SO4 mixed with the alkene. This remainder must be neutralised. It is acidic and in option B, the addition of more H2SO4 will contaminate the alkene more, thus is an incorrect answer. A basic solution will neutralise the acid, such as the dilute NaOH in option C, which is the correct answer.

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