How is your economy going?

From the American Chemistry Council (the trade association for the big chemical companies), this update on their outlook for 2018:
Credit: the American ChemistryCouncil
The Chemical Activity Barometer (CAB), a leading economic indicator created by the American Chemistry Council (ACC), notched an increase over September’s reading both on a three-month moving average (3MMA) basis and an unadjusted basis. The CAB was up 0.2 percent and 0.7 percent, respectively. The increases reflected a bounce back from the effects of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Compared to a year earlier, the CAB is up 3.0 percent on a 3MMA basis, a slower pace than the previous nine months, but one that continues to suggest further gains in U.S. business activity into 2018.

The Chemical Activity Barometer has four primary components, each consisting of a variety of indicators: 1) production; 2) equity prices; 3) product prices; and 4) inventories and other indicators.
So looks like things are kinda going vaguely okay. It's not clear to me that US GDP will break out of its 2-3% range any time soon.

So here's my question for you? How is your economy going? Mine is going all right - we are (my family is) keeping our heads above water, and 2018 looks to be fine.

So, readers, are you getting hired? Decent pay? How about your friends? Are they finding positions? How is your organization (academic institution, company, etc) doing? Any layoffs in the present/future?

How is your economy going, readers? 

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